Friday, July 10, 2009

Feel the Funk...And Keep on Livin' Anyway!

Anyone who knows me well can attest to the fact that I can find the bright spot in almost anything. From broken bones to busted zippers to no-good baby daddies, I can help you discover something to be grateful for in your situation. But when it comes to me, I always believe that I should be immune from life's crap. Instead dealing with a rough patch, I try to skip over it, make it pretty, or pretend that it doesn't affect me. It doesn't take a palm reader to predict what happens when we try to skip over life's lessons.

Today's lesson (still in progress!) is to learn the value of making mistakes, saying something wrong, or doing something offensive. If I don't feel the pain of being imperfect, I won't learn how to perfect my imperfections. If I don't accept the not-so-good days, then I won't be able to celebrate the days of my life that really rock. If I never skin my knees, then I won't have the joy of soothing that pain with the ecstacy of finding a really great pair of jeans.

Ladies, feel your funk and keep on livin' anyway. We only have ONE life to live and it is our gift to enjoy ALL of it -- even when the gift comes covered in dog poo.

Wishing you a funk-free weekend! And if the funk does find you, dance with it and not against it!

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